offers wide range of services in the IT networking industry ranging from professional services and information security consulting as well as training services for enablement of employees or certification programs.
Our Team
Our Team

Learning Services

We offer training services in the networking technology and information security.

Professional Services

Ridikio consultants have more than a decade of experience helping companies build the most efficient network infrastructure for their operations.

Consulting Services

Our consultants will make sure you understand all the options available, so you can choose the best equipment and devices that align with your business requirements and goals.

Meet our team

We have a team of engineers who hold the highest industry certification in their respective fields. Our engineers are experts at their craft and are dedicated to delivering successful project outcomes for our customers.
Bojan Kornijenko
Company co-Founder
Kenan Muharemagić
Company co-Founder
Smail Milak
Adis Ćato
Armin Gojak
Đelo Arnautalić
Amna Ećo
Sanjin Agović
Vera Cerić